Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hats, Hair and Fabulous Fibers!

Oh the pride!  I am soooo happy about this hat I did this weekend.  I cabled for the first time!  Yay me!  I've been wanting to do this hat for a very long time (since Kara helped me with the Jon Merrick and knitted this hat whilst teaching) and I finally got up the guts to do it.  I started it with this hideous Katia yarn which I detest but ended up doing it in Rowan Big Wool and LOVE LOVE LOVED it.  I tried to start it on dpns but it was just too much for me so I did it on circulars.  It's the "unoriginal hat" by the Yarn Harlot.  You can get the lovely pattern on her blog.  Anyway, I think it turned out rather nice.  I'm glad it's done because now I can wear it (yes, it is 80 degrees here now) in order to cover up this...
That's right.  I have, in fact, been striped.  You can't tell so much in this picture but it's REALLY bad.  So bad that I had to put my angry eyes on for this pic.  I look like a flipping tiger.  Mind you, I have a wedding this week and was nearly forced to be immortalized as Le Tigre in the wedding photos.  My usual hair guy is fixing it this week, praise be his name!  This is what you get when you stray from the correct hair path.  The expensive path you know you must remain on in order to not become stripey.  Also, the top is rather calico.  A nice kitteny sort of look.

Now, I admit I am a multiple knitter.  A VERY multiple knitter.  I am now addicted to the easy peasy wrist warmers I showed you last week.  My mom has been in the hospital so I decided to make her a lovely gift.  She goes out walking all the time (even in the winter when it's 9 degrees outside) so I thought she'd love some of the wrist warmers for her wintertime adventures.  I wanted to do "luxury" wrist warmers so I decided to do them in Berrocco Ultra Alpaca with Rowan Kidsilk Haze.  Holy cow!  They are lovely.  It's such a simple thing but I love me some alpaca and I love it even more mixed with a bit of goat!  If she doesn't love them, she's mental.  I'm making some for moi very soon.  I've also decided they'd be great birthday gifts for Will's buddies (in a smaller size) and for mine!  Isn't knitting wonderful?  Gifts for all!!!  Here are the warmers modeled by a reluctant Will...

Don't they look fluffy and delightful and don't you love Will's wonky post nap hair?  Looks better than mine!  Next, socks!   


cindave said...

sorry about the hair, and a big WAY TO GO on the hat! SOOOO stinking cute! your mom will love her wrist warmers. by the way, i kept meaning to tell you that if you hadn't found a dress yet for the wedding, i found one at costco that's black and white, but it has those blasted little cap sleeves that my robust arms cannot be immortalized in wedding photos in. your arms however, are perfect! if you haven't found anything, check it out. they were in a lovely arrangement of a heap on a table - easy to miss.

leandparkermakes3 said...

O.k., I am LOVING the hat. So cute! You are the fastest knitter in the west! The hair doesn't look SO bad in the picture. I'll have to see it in person to judge. I'm sorry you've had a rough day!

Steve said...

I will go on record saying that the hair is not bad at all. The cut is in fact pretty cool. Most girls would kill for hair like yours, Heidi.

I love you and thank you for the thoughtful things you do for others. And you are hot.

Peace Out.


P.S. you better get your hair fixed before the wedding. I AM JUST KIDDING.

Kara said...

The Unoriginal Hat! Yay! Yours is amazing. See, I told you cables were no big deal. Easy peasy.

Erin said...

Okay, I LOVE your hat. Such a beautiful job. Seriously, you need to not be intimidated by any knitting project--you have the skills to take on whatever you want.

You mom is going to love the gloves or you are right, she is mad.

And your hair...I kind of like the tiger stripes. Very punk. But honestly, Steve is right, you have the best hair.

marit said...

You've done great on the cabled hat! It looks terrific:-)So does the wristwarmers!
And I like the way your hair looks!

Adam and Bri said...

I love that reluctant-model picture of Will — just perfect! And fabulous job on the hat! I'm v. v. impressed by your mad skills.

Also, why is Aunti Mary in the hospital? I hope she's OK!

Cloudberry said...

The hat is great!
And I don't your hair is bad.

Have a wonderful week :)

Anonymous said...

Nice hat! :D London was great! Didn't take much photos though.. My friend brought her camera and she loves to take photographs :)

I'm not a shopping person, but did manage to buy two pair of shoes and some t-shirts.. I was more busy taking long walks in the parks and tracking down good restaurants to eat ;)

Have a nice day!

Travis and Marie said...

you are so darling! I love your hair and didn't even think "el tigre" at all. Will looks so cute post nap! I wish I looked that good after a nap!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the "all Norwegian" post. It's a meme, and I didn't bother translate it(wasn't all that interesting, really).. Hehe..

I'm in love with the macro button on my camera, and therefore I always end up taking lots of flower photos ;)

I can't really remember any names of restaurants in London. We were to hungry to notice, after walking around for hours, I guess.. Sorry! :)