Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Weddin'


Yesterday my brother in law got married.  It was a fun day-and very long.  They got married in the morning, we rushed home to get the kids down for naps, and then back again for the reception.  Lizzy was so nuts that I had to leave by 8p.m..  I made a shrug for this occasion and wore it but got no pictures of it.  I didn't have time to block it and I'm not sure if I love it so it will not be featured at this time.  By the way, I'm only wearing white because I was asked to!  

This is a picture of Steve's whole family (minus one nephew who is on a mission in Guatemala). Matt and Hilary are a darling couple.  A friend was asking me all sorts of questions about how they met, where she grew up, etc, etc...I knew none of the answers.  Why?  They have only been dating for about 6 months!  That's the way we roll, my friends (well, not us, we dated for 4 years, but some people roll that way).  Will was an absolute crack up-he is doing this face in most of the pictures because this is what he has decided is "cute".  

Lizzy, as I said, was an animal.  She is walking now but decided to crawl all over the ground so as to filthify her lovely dress, shoes and tights.  She pulled my skirt up at least 33,000 times and got "candy hands" all over my dress.  Plus she had a runny nose which she kept wiping on us!  DISASTER.  We still love her!  Will spent the evening pilfering candy from a table that was akin to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.  We will bill Matt and Hilary for the dental bill. 

This is the gift.  I knitted a bowl and felted it then bought some fake lemons to put in it just for a cute decoration.  We got them a wicked awesome Mexican cook book (by Diana Kennedy, Mexican cook extraordinaire) and a pot to put spoons, spatulas etc in.  And isn't that huge candy jar great?  I bought one for us and put colorful yarn in it-very cute.  They better like it!
I had to put just one more picture on here.  My sister in law just emailed this over and I can't believe how funny it is.  How hilarious are those pants on the little man?  Notice the untucked shirt and wonky vest buckle hanging out of his jacket.  And again, the head tilt.

In other news, the hair is fixed.  I regret that the picture of the stripes did not do the actual stripes justice.  I wish you could all have seen them in person.  I do miss them-I had a fun week making jokes about them.  My stylist was a bit baffled as to how the Striper actually achieved such a result.  He couldn't quite wrap his head around the stripes on the hair around my ears and came to the conclusion that the Striper must, in fact, be an elf whose fingers are small enough to put a foil in that length of hair.  In order to cover up said stripes, we had to go a much darker shade (something I only like to do in the winter) but c'est la vie!  
I promise to post some knitting pictures soon.  I have several things to block but I'm too lazy to do it.  I hope you've all had a great weekend!  


Steve said...

I love being the first to post. You are cool and so is your blog.



Anonymous said...

Seems like a great wedding, and those kids of yours are so adorable!! :D Love the head tilting.. hehe.. I used to do weird things like that to(and still do sometimes)..

You're more then welcome to visit Norway(I'll make sure you have enough food to eat between all the walking around)!! ;D

Travis and Marie said...

I love the family picture - it looks like most of mine...pure chaos! I hate taking kids to weddings it's so tiresome for the mom.

marit said...

It sounds like a fun event- at least when looking back-LOL! You have adorable kids!
And I second Bea- come visit Norway!

Adam and Bri said...

xemovSo many things to comment on ...

1. Your hair looks fabbity fab.
2. I can't get over how gorgeous Lizzie is.
3. Will is a head tilter, just like his Aunt Kara! She was the queen of the bend and smile.

Sel and Poivre said...

I've never been here before - I just linked over from Girl Who Knits - I'll be back to see those FO's you're putting off blocking!