Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome to the fold, Lizzy

 Lizzy got into my knitting bag yesterday and started "knitting".  She was concentrating very hard on clicking the needles together-very cute.  She also started standing up in the middle of the floor yesterday, something she has been too chicken to do before.  We're extremely proud of our baby who learned to knit and stand up by herself all in one day (yes, I know she is 14 months old and should be walking by now!).
Will is trying his hardest to get her to walk (presumably so she is better able to play with him) so he walks around the house with her holding her hands.

On the knitting front, I'm still working on the stupid boring shrug and will have it completed soon.  I've also finished three "Lyra's Hoods" and will post later after I have taken pictures of the recipients in them.  Also, I tried knitting a bowl and felted it today so we'll see how it looks after it's dry. 
That's about it except that I have to winge about the weather for a sec.  It was 75 degrees yesterday and is 40 as I write!  What is that all about?  Okay, I know what it's about-spring in Utah.  I know I'll be complaining more when it's August and 103 degrees!


Haley said...

Oh Lizzard! She will always do things on her own terms. Believe me, I have a Lizzard of my own, his name is Logan.

Erin said...

Lizzy is a knitter!!! Today is a good day.

I want to see some Lyra hats!

Cloudberry said...

How sweet - as lond as they don't pull those stitches off ;)

My youngest - Endre didn't walk until he was 23 months - so they all do it in their own terms!

marit said...

We woke up to ice on the puddles this morning...
Lizzy is so cute! Hopefully she'll keep on knitting:-)

Kara said...

Knit, Lizzy, Knit!!! I love that she has her priorities in order.

Now where are those hoods?!

Travis and Marie said...

what a good example you are setting...she is taking after you already....except the walking part, because just knowing you I am sure you came out walking. :)