Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I'm knitting the fingerless gloves from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts" and it seems to be an easy pattern but I'm freaking out about the thumb opening.  It says I need two 8" US size 6 needles and I'm using 12" because I don't actually think 8" exist in a size 6.  Anyway, all is well but I'm wondering if I can use my 16" size 6 as the second pair?  Does that make sense?  Does the second pair have to be the same cord size as the first?  I guess I don't really get how it works.  It's just a hole, it doesn't cover the thumb at all.  HELP!  I could just go into a yarn store and get some help but I don't want to look like an idiot-so I'll post it on a blog where really good knitters can read about my stupidity!

Also, here's a quick pic of a bowl I made.  I just used the same pattern as the "John Merrick" but stretched it over a bowl instead of my head.  It didn't turn out quite like I wanted it to but I guess that's what happens when you make a hat into a bowl.  It will hold my precious baby alpaca until I use it for the blanket I'm making.  Do you like my complete inability to take a photo?  It's so wonky.  

Finally, for those of you who don't care about knitting (is that possible?), here's one of the family after the BYU volleyball game.  It was fantastic-they beat UC Irvine. I'm really hoping to go the championships in California (actually held at Irvine) this month.  I especially love how my ring is shining like kryptonite!    


marit said...

Hi! I'm sure you can use your 16" needles- but I'm not sure what you mean with "cord"..?(this is where our english education fails- we learn to order tickets or ask for directions- but noone teaches us the most important words, like knit/purl/yo/ssk/...LOL) As long as the needles are the same thickness, you can use almost everything- just don't be afraid to try:-) I for instance never use long needles when I'm knitting something back and forth, it is much easier to use a circular(and still knit back and forth) I guess your pattern said 8" because shorter needles might be easier to handle.
So, have I confused you enough now...?
Cute bowl and really lovely familyphoto!

Travis and Marie said...

you guys are darling. I love the family picture. I care about knitting because you do, but I will admit, I don't understand the drama that is associated with it....I am crafty retarded so it wouldn't be something I would be very good at. :)

Cloudberry said...

I agree with Marit :) Espesially the english education ;)

It's a beautiful color you knit those in by the way!
And yes, I'm going to use my frogged yarn.