Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lovely Yarn! Way Too Itchy!

Yes, it is lovely, isn't it?  So lovely.  I bought this for my clapotis (a lovely shawl/scarf) which I started a few days ago for the ravelympics (a little competition in the knitting world and oops, I forgot I wasn't supposed to start until the olympics actually start but I forgot so I guess I'm disqualified!)  This yarn is from Lonesome Stone which is a company in Colorado.  It's mohair and wool and apparently mohair dyes really well so the colors are unbelievable.  It felt quite soft when it was in a hank and even when it was wound into these balls but now that I'm actually knitting with it-yikes!  It's VERY itchy.  What do I do?  I love the colors and I splurged on this yarn specifically for my clapotis but I don't think I can wear it as a scarf because I will tear my neck to bits from itching.  Oh dear, oh dear!  It'll make for a lovely shawl but I was so looking forward to using the clapotis as a shawl AND a scarf.  Suggestions?  What would you do?  Here's another picture of its loveliness... 

And here...
What to do?  

Okay, enough whinging.  Swimming is going better, it's going to rain this week (yessss!) and it's my 8th anniversary tomorrow!  Yay!  Here's a picture of Will actually floating on his own...
Again those teeth!  How cute are the little bucks?  Floating all on his own (for about 3 seconds but still).  Here is the Lizzard "smiling"...
My kids are incapable of making normal faces for pictures.  It's hilarious.  She is enjoying Will's lessons more now and doesn't cry to get in the water the entire time.  

SO.  Advice on the clapotis?  I'm dying because I thought this was the perfect yarn.  AAAHHHHH!  Up next-BYU football clinic and a tag (I haven't forgotten, Liz!)  


Steve said...

I can't wait until you post about the football clinic.

Good job on having such cute kids.


Adam and Bri said...

Hello, fellow football aficionado. Send me your e-mail and I'll send you some sweet pics of us looking extremely athletic.


Nicki said...

I'm with you... I can't stand itchy wool!! So, I'm at a total lost as to how to advise you cause it wouldn't fly with me.

On a happier note... how amazing is WILL?? Holy Cow! Already floating?? That's awesome! I knew he really had it in him! Like I said, he's a pro!

Cloudberry said...

I don't have any good advise on the itchy yarn... Maybe some softner in the water when you soak it after knitting it up..? But I guess that doesn't help when it itch when you knit with it.
And it's sad that it itches because the color is beautiful!

Erin said...

Oh man, the yarn is beautiful! I think you should press on. Once you wash the yarn it will most likely soften a bit. It is a risk but I think it would pay off. And worse case senario is you use it as a shawl more than a scarf...?

Anonymous said...

I'd try to wash it with hair conditioner. Knit a small swatch, and give it a try.. It's to bad not being able to use it, the colour does look very beautiful!!

I had the best time in Lithuania. I even found a yarn shop on my last day there. Italian wool though, but who cares as long as it's cheap and lovely? Hehe..

Chris said...

I would use the yarn to knit some boxers for all of your "unfavorite" politicians. Box them up and mail them to them with directions for them to wear them every day so that they can get a feel of what we feel like at the gas pump. Ha ha ha. ;}

Steve said...

the francom comment should win an award as best comment on a blog this year.

tiennieknits said...

Your kids are adorable! Happy anniversary!

I've worked with yarn that was terribly scratchy but once I washed and blocked it, it felt so much softer.

Kara said...

Oh no, itchy?! I kinda side with Erin. Give it a go and then wash it.