Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Denver and some real live finished objects!

Denver was a blast.  Thank you so much, Erin, for hosting us.  I REALLY like Denver-great shopping, beautiful homes, crazy giant animal sculptures on every corner...  Very cool city.  We mostly shopped.  3 knitters together for a weekend and what do we do?  Shopped our brains out.  We didn't enter ONE yarn store!  Also, we ate.  A lot.  I really wish I had gotten at least one picture of the insane giant animal sculptures that were literally everywhere.  I did, however, get a picture of an insane giant milk can...

Cutest ice cream shop in the universe.  This is in line with Denver's apparent fascination with all things giant.  Very cute.  

One of the very most fun things we did was to have tea at the Brown Palace.  It is this amazingly swanky hotel in downtown Denver and the tea was fabbity fab.  I feel that we were a bit underdressed for the swankiness.  I, however, forgot to pack 2 entire outfits (yes, it was only a 3 day trip) so what can you do?  Here we are enjoying the delights of tea at the Brown Palace.  Great idea, Erin.  Well done you! 

We did do a teensy bit of knitting whilst enjoying some stellar TV, made for TV movies and actual movies.  Let me just say that SNL with Michael Phelps was one of the funnier SNL's we've seen in a long time.  "I said we!".  Also, "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" (Lifetime original movie) needed someone to take a serious look at the person in charge of makeup and hair before putting said person in charge of makeup and hair.  Actually, no hair was done.  Wigs were worn by the entire cast.  Really awful, fluffed-out-six-inches-away-from-the-head wigs.  Insane.  And last, "Baby Mama" is hilarious.  Yes, quality television.  However, it did afford us time to knit.  Here is proof.  That is our Kara just knittin' away.  

I, for one, did a bit of sock knitting.  I'm almost done with the second sock.  These have been unbelievably boring but just take a look at the perfection of my kitchner stitched toe ;)

Here's the rest of it...

Why, you ask, did I not model it on my own foot?  Well, the truth is that it didn't fit my giant foot (I think, in keeping with the "giant" theme in Denver, they should do a sculpture of my feet!).  These will be a wicked awesome gift for a friend with daintier feet.  I really like the crazy yarn on these.  

Pattern: Sock Recipe by the Yarn Harlot
Yarn: Spunky Eclectic Super Nova (color: Boogie Days)
Needles: Size US #3 dpns
Mods: Lengthened them a bit in the foot.  Obviously not enough!
Md for: some lucky sucker

Also, I did another pair of fingerless mitts (these were by request!).  The yarn I used on the mitts is Sheep Shop Sheep 3 which is an wool/silk blend.  I am completely in LOVE with this yarn.  It may be the softest yarn I have ever used.  Get thee some!

Pattern: Mine (I guess)
Yarn: Sheep Shop Sheep 3 (70% wool, 30% silk)
Needles: size US #7 and #8 (smaller for ribbing)
Mods: Did more ribbing than I usually do on these
Md for: Sister (don't worry, she doesn't read this blog.  unsupportive  ;))

I'm also making her a scarf from this same yarn because I am so in love with it.  I'm still working on my clapotis but I'm a bit stuck because I put it down for so long.  Oops.  Kara, I'll be needing your help.  So, when that's done, I'll show it off.  

So, I've been out of the blogging loop for a bit longer than I've meant to but I have been knitting and I actually picked up a few books recently (I was beginning to think I was illiterate because I hadn't wanted to read in so long!).  I highly recommend "Innocent Traitor" which tells the story of Lady Jane Gray.  Also, I just started "The Six Wives of Henry VIII".  Both books are by Alison Weir and are amazingly interesting.  

Thanks again, Erin, for the Denver fun!  We all had a blast, didn't we?!



amanda said...

i might need to hire you to make me some fingerless gloves. every time you post them i can't get them off of my mind!

Erin said...

Yes, we had a blast! Thanks so much for coming and playing. Denver loved having you. (and so did I.)

cindave said...

all things giant - AWESOME! sounds like a very fun trip. that ice cream place looked so very cute! the huge milk can building probably makes the ice cream taste even creamier.'

Kara said...

Wow, we are so fun! I love us. We need to play in new cities more often. How about London for the next trip? Wig him!

Amanda Parry said...

Looks like you had an amazing time in Denver. Baby Mama is next in line at Netflix so it's good to hear it was funny. I want to have tea!

carolyn said...

That ice cream palour looks wonderful.

Cloudberry said...

Those fingerless gloves are knitted in a wonderful colourway!

Travis and Marie said...

you are a lucky girl to get to get out for a bit! What a fun trip...Denver looks great and I've been there, but I don't remember a darn thing about the stinkin place... I love the gloves...send me the recipe....oh wait I can't knit. :)

tiennieknits said...

Glad you had a great time! I'm a bit jealous that you got to go have some fun there with them!

cindave said...

this has nothing to do with your post, but i wanted to tell you that think you're like the ONLY person out of 9 comments that got the fact that the picture of my pregnant belly wasn't my current belly!!! i thought it was pretty clear, but props to you for picking up on it!!