Sunday, April 11, 2010

Knitting for the Offspring.

I like knitting for kids. The knits are small and fast and look adorable on little heads/hands/feet etc. Better stated, I like knitting for SOME kids. The number of truly grateful people is astonishingly small. Honestly, when I first started knitting, I gave away so many knitted items. No more. Many of the people I have given knits to have never worn the thing they were given. What cheek! At least do me the courtesy of wearing it around me. Once.

So, now that I am a very old woman (I'm not actually, I'm only 33), I find that my friends tend to produce offspring. I cannot seem to keep up. With the knitting, I mean. I have plenty of offspring. It's such a common occurrence now that I can't be bothered knitting for them all ;).

Many years ago Steve and I became friends with Nate. We had a large group of friends who had ridiculous amounts of fun together. I don't think any of us ever got home before 3 am. Nate was not satisfied with us so he moved to Holland and met Claudia (she is Italian, not Dutch). I visited them in Holland in 1997 (that is mental) and took this adorable picture...

Claudia and Nate. Notice the safe distance between them. Perhaps this was still in the awkward we're-dating-but-I-don't-want-to-let-on-how-much-I-like-you phase.

Nate and Claudia ended up getting over the "safe distance" fandango and got married. Below is a picture of them in Italy last year (I think). No more of the awkward distance issues. Phew!

Claudia and Nate. Grown up and touching each other.

Well, as so often happens, the two of them produced a cute little bug. She is completely adorable. From what I hear, she is a spitfire who would get along swimmingly with my Lizzy. We met her (her parents now live in the UK) over Christmas and she refused to say so much as two words to us. Will and Lizzy were fighting (a common occurrence 'round these parts) and probably scared her to death. She has been an only child and is not yet used to the insanity a sibling can bring. This situation will be changed, as will this darling child's life, in just a few short weeks when her brother "Giotto" is born (her choice of names, not her parent's).

Um, hello. Adorbs. As I said, this little one lives in the UK and needs something to cover her poor head and ears from the arctic conditions there ;). She is, at the moment of this picture, picking off a dragon fly adornment. Yes, she and Lizzy should be fast friends if they were able to spend more than 1 hour together.

There are the girls in their matching hats. Cute as two bugs. The horrifying thing about this picture is that Lizzy's face and clothes are a MESS and I didn't even notice until I saw the picture. What have I become?

I have also knit something for "Giotto" but will refrain from posting a picture as his parents might read this and, therefore, have their surprise ruined. Wouldn't that be a tragedy?

On we go. You might remember a post I did last year about my time spent in England with BYU study abroad? Yes, I'm certain you do. Well, our next subject is the offspring of Emily. You'll recall that Emily was part of my group of friends who got along swimmingly and were apparently very intimidating (no, we weren't, we were only awesome) therefore making more than one enemy amongst the study abroad girls. Oh well. We have stayed friends for 11 years, even though she moved to NYC for a very large span of time. I shall forgive. Below is the greatest picture ever taken. It's the nine of us at Lake Windermere (the most beautiful lake in the world).

Emily is the little thing right in the dead center of the forcefield, wearing a gray sweatshirt and jeans. Seriously, best. picture. ever.

Here is a picture of Emily just last year (I think). She's in Australia, if you can believe that.

Well, Emily got hitched to Will and, as so often happens, they produced... RUBY! Ruby is the most hilarious child on earth. She has this little angelic face and when she smiles at you, she's all teeth! It's so great. She is also a savage, which I find delightful in little girls.

Here are Lizzy and Ruby playing with Lizzy's dress up stuff. They were both in heaven.

Ruby in her headband. We kind of had to fight her to get it on.

And a side shot of the flower. And Ruby's tongue.

Also, and edelweiss button. Could you die?

So Nate, Claudia and Emily have passed the test of gratitude and class. I have two other knits lying around my house that belong to the offspring of other old friends. However, I am missing either an old or a new picture of them and therefore could not post about them. Obvi. How lame would that have been? It would have totally messed up the theme.

I promise not to wait so long between posts from here on. I swear. This blog has gotten so dumb because of my noblog status. I will change. I can.

Peace out,



Kara said...

Both darling knits for darling girls.

amanda said...

so very cute knits, heidi. it was great to see you. your house is beautiful. you look beautiful. your kids are beautiful. i only wish i could have seen some of your knits in person! i totally forgot! wish i lived closer so we could hang out more. sorry my visit was a bit of a kerfuffle. all that traveling=not a lot of sleep=grumpy kids. thanks for the visit, though. it's always great to see old friends.

leandparkermakes3 said...

Um, how darling are those little girls? Loving the knits as well. Thank you for sharing your talents with us poor saps who got none. :)

Claudia P. said...

Heidi: thanks for making us the leading story in your latest blog post. Sofia LOVES your hat and I had to hide it because it's now to warm to wear it.

Also, Sofia's latest fixation for her little brother's name is no longer "Giotto", but "Robin Hood" (careful, not Robin).

Finally, last night I *actually* said "adorbs"... I thought Nate was going to have a heart attack. Great, Heidi: you are costing me our marriage ;P

Erin said...

It can get to be too much if all you do is knit for ungrateful friends who would be just as happy with a dress from target. Glad you found some who appreciate your talent. :)

marit said...

Adorable girls and cute knits!

emilymcmaster said...

i love you! almost as much as i love your knits. but not even close to as much as ruby loves her flower band! there's no way to be grateful enough for these works of art - it's astounding that someone wouldn't wear them.

now we must hang. stop avoiding :)

Travis and Marie said...

love love love the headband! Really it is fantastic! We were the most awesome 9 people there that year - too bad not everyone thought the same. Oh well.

Heidelweiss said...

Yes, we were the most awesome 9 people. Not just that year. EVER. And everyone agreed. That's why they hated us. Remember? We "intimidated" them. Idiots ;). I don't know if anyone is reading this follow up but you're welcome for the knits! Em, I swear I'm not avoiding. I love your guts! Lizzy is as sick as a dog.

Cloudberry said...

Great knits and the girls are so sweet!
Hope you'll keep on blogging ;)