Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Knitting (yes, I still do that)

I still knit. Can you believe it?! I know. I KNOW! I've been doing a lot of it, actually. Just not blogging about it. Again, I've been a bit of a Noblog. Sorry. Now that I have my journaling of London out of the way, I can regale you about my knitting. I know you've been waiting with baited breath. Right?

SO, these headbands have been THE thing here in Utah. If you don't have one you are, basically, a nerd. I'm a nerd (I once broke a speaker in my car by blasting opera), but not a fashion nerd. And, as far as I can control, my friends and family will not be fashion nerds. Therefore, I knit these headbands. A great number of them (because I am Heidi, and I am a Multiple Knitter).

For the longest time I could not find a pattern for this item. I finally found one that cost me $6. Fine. Later my sister found one for free. The one she found was acquired at my favorite yarn store and the owner had written it two years before. I thought I'd try it so I asked her for it. Turns out, it's the EXACT same pattern (literally not ONE difference). That's right, the yarn store I BOUGHT it from had ripped it off from the good yarn store that was giving it away. Horrid people!

The ones you see around town are made of acrylic and all look exactly the same. Acrylic? Seriously? Pfff. Acrylic has its place, that place is not on my head. The fun things about the ones you make yourself is that you have your pick of flowers, buttons, blah, blah, blah, that you can adorn them with. Also, they're made of wool. Obvi.

This one was made for my sister in law as a Christmas pressie. I have never seen her wear it. Perf. I have seen her wear her naff acrylic ones. That's fab.

This one was made for my niece. The flower turned out a bit big for a full grown human so she got it by default ;). She loves it and it looks adorbs on her.

Pattern: Rose's Hat by Verla Younker
Yarn: Cascade 220 held double
Time: About 3 hrs.

And now to switch gears entirely (because this post hasn't been higgeldy piggeldy enough), I shall tell you about my Bella Mittens. I love these. They were a quick knit and are very comfy. I took them to London with me and I wear them all the time. The only thing is that they are a bit on the flimsy side. I wasn't aware that I needed to double the yarn I used. Oops. Oh well, they work. Anyway, if I'm especially cold, I now have my special Vancouver 2010 mittens to do the job (oh yes I do).

Pattern: Bella's Mittens
Yarn: Elsabeth Lavold Silky Wool

So there you have it. I'm knitting and loving every minute of it (well, almost). I think I'm taking a socks-two-at-a-time-on-magic-loop this month (which will be great since I get second sock syndrome like nothing else) and I intend to learn some new skills since I haven't really pushed myself for a really long time. Like, since the first year I started knitting. That is all I have to say.

Peace out,



Cloudberry said...

Looking forward to see your socks :)
You might get hooked on sock knitting before you know it ;)

Ilove your Bella's mittens! I really should knit up a pair for myself. I'm reading New Moon right now and can hardly put the book away...

Anonymous said...

Still loving your headbands! And your abbrevs! :D

Erin said...

Okay Heidi, I need to give you some straight talk. All your knits are adorable and cute and fun. But seriously, you need to knit a sweater. In fact, I will not rest unless you do it this year. It is time.

Kara said...

Yes, yes all you accessories are fabbity fab! But I second Erin's comment.

Adam and Bri said...

so cute, heid! you're talented, you are.

Heidelweiss said...

I'm so happy Bri is building me up after her sisters bullied me. She must know how it feels to want to be "accessory girl" or, in her case, to not knit at all...

Steve said...

I mostly like the cut on your sister in law for not respecting your gift.

I think she sold it.

marit said...

Great knitting! Socks are rather addictive too....

Have a great weekend:-)

Nicki said...

A little less knitting and a little more blogging, please!

By the way, that pic of what must have been your sis, I thought for a moment that you had changed your hair color! I was dying.

but I'm okay now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you!!! :D
Lovely yarn, lovely card and super lovely stitch markers!!! :D
Am very happy, and was really surprised as well (had forgotten about the deal, and did not expect any treats in my mailbox at all...)


Oh, and nice knits! I have been looking at them, just didn't bother to comment.. Lazy me.. ;)